Intellilinks is an In-Text advertising solution, similar to Infolinks and Kontera, with just one difference. Unlike other traditional In-Text players, who usually pay for the number of ad-views/CTR, Intellilinks offers a fixed monthly price for your web inventory. So, if you have decided to go for it, then it’s time to wave good-bye to bidding/eCPM confusion. Intellilinks accepts traffic from all over the world and guarantees 100% fill rate.
They follow a monthly NET-0 payment schedule and, most importantly, theere is no minimum threshold for receiving your payments. The detailed review on Intellilinks In-Text Publisher Network is as follows -
Intellilinks Publisher Network Features At A Glance |
- Network Type
- Available Ad Sizes
- Minimum Payout
- Accepts Traffic
- Reqd. Traffic
- Adult Content
- Payout Option
- Payment Term
- Average Fill Rate
- Average eCPM Rate
- Banners Per Page
- In-Text Links
- Regular Link, Contextual Link
- No Minimum
- Worldwide.
- No Minimum
- No
- Paypal, Bank Wire
- Monthly (NET-0)
- 100%
- Publishers select their fixed price on monthly basis.
- NA
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Intellilinks Pros
- Publishers can choose their own price and put it up on Intellilinks marketplace. You will be paid if any advertiser purchases your offer to display text-link ads on your website.
- Links are sold for a flat monthly rate – not based on traffic or clicks. No more bidding/eCPM confusion.
- Monthly payments (NET-0). January earnings will be paid on February 1st.
- No minimum payment thresh-hold. They will pay you even if you earn just $1.
- You can specify and control the number of links to display on a single page.
Intellilinks Cons
- No guarantee that your links will be purchased by advertisers.
- New websites often remain unsold. You will be lucky to find an interested advertiser interested if your site’s PageRank is is less than 2.
- They offer only 50% revenue share. That means if your text-link gets sold for $100 a month, the advertiser will have to pay $200 to Intellilinks. They will keep $100 and pay you the remaining $100.
AdsReview Verdict
Intellilinks can be treated as an additional revenue stream. Fixed monthly price sets them apart from others. You need not have to worry about the performance of the ads and earn some extra bucks over the income from your banner spaces. Worth trying out – is our verdict.